The Music History, Music Theory and Composition Area offers students the opportunity to put their musical activities in a broad, analytical context. We believe that a well-rounded music educator or performer will seek out a deeper understanding of musical ideas in order to communicate with students or audiences.

Music Theory Curriculum

Music Study Skills

Music Theory & History Courses

Music Theory

  • Freshman Theory & Ear-Training
  • Sophomore Theory & Ear-Training
  • Orchestration
  • Form & Analysis
  • Composition

Music History

  • Music History I:

    Medieval through Baroque Periods
  • Music History II:

    Classical through Twentieth Century Periods

Diagnostic Exam

Upper Division Study Guides

If you have taken four semesters of Music Theory and four semesters of Ear Training, the credits will transfer and you will be expected to take, in the days before classes begin in the fall, the Music Theory portion of the Upper Division Proficiency Exam. Be advised, however, that classes at various colleges and universities move at different rates and you are strongly advised to contact the theory area coordinator to assess if you are prepared to take the exam.

This is not an entrance exam, and has no bearing on your admission. However, this exam will help to determine your eligibility for upper division classes: Form and Analysis and Orchestration. Details of this exam are included in our Student Handbook. A study outline and sample exams are provided below.