The Department of Music offers the Bachelor of Music Education (B.M.E.), the Bachelor of Arts in Music (B.A.), and the Bachelor of Music in Performance (B.M.). The department also offers the Master of Music Education (M.M.E) through a program primarily completed over 3 summers. This section of our website contains information about those programs and the academic areas of the Department of Music.
Students in the B.M.E. program are encouraged to check all College of Education handbooks as any information contained here is supplemental to COE documents.
Students in the B.A. in Music program are encouraged to check with the College of Arts and Sciences for guidelines relating to that program.
Mississippi State University is an accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). For more information:
National Association of Schools of Music
11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 21
Reston, Virginia 20190
Phone: 703-437-0700
Fax: 703-437-6312