Student Forms

Collaborative Piano

Recital Forms

Upper Division Proficiency Exam (UDPE)

Audition Rubrics

Jury Forms

Brass Jury

Juried examinations for the brass area will include the following components: scales, solo repertoire, independent study, and sight-reading. UDPE juries will be two time slots in length and will also consist of a UDPE presentation in addition to the standard jury requirements. Students will sign up for a time slot for their juries in consultation with their collaborative pianist on a physical sheet hung up on the bulletin board near Dr. Wang’s office. Each student is required to have filled out jury forms and will submit these forms and copies of their music for the panel. Jury evaluations will take place in the Department of Music Lecture-Recital Hall.

Percussion Jury

Midterm Jury: Students perform the following during their regular lesson time during midterm week for Dr. Baker only: Scales/Modes/Arpeggios Exercise; Rudimental Snare Drum Exercise; Sightreading on Snare Drum, Marimba, and Timpani; Foreign Percussion Terms Identification; Percussion Repertoire Listening Identification; Orchestral Accessories Etude (tambourine, cymbals, triangle)

Final Jury: Students sign up for a 15-minute slot on Dr. Baker's office door and perform the following for Dr. Baker and two other committee members: A solo or etude on two separate percussion instruments (based on where they are in our curriculum sequence); Independent Study

Jury forms are filled out by hand when the student arrives for their jury. One additional photocopy of scores is required. Students also submit programs for their concert attendance at this time.

Piano Jury

Midterm: Students perform their literature with scores. Jury is conducted during their lesson time with Dr. Sebba only. The purpose is to check if they accurately perform what is on the page. The second half of the semester focuses on memorization.

Final: A week Thanksgiving an email is sent with a shared document containing time slots for the jury. We have used the Canvas calendar for scheduling, but we do not have a preferred system. Whatever is easier for everyone. A fillable Word document is sent to each student. When the forms are received, Dr Sebba checks for accuracy and exports as a fillable PDF. Each title has a hyperlink providing scores. Any score not available online is uploaded in a shared folder for use as hyperlink. The forms are then sent to the other faculty members who are part of the jury. After the jury, the forms are sent back to the instructor of record, print and available for students during our last individual meeting. During the meeting we discuss the semester, jury forms and comments, as well as plan for the next semester by choosing literature, plan recitals, conferences, and presentations.

Strings Jury

Jury evaluations will take place using the Students are required to create a user account and upload the repertoire records. The area coordinator will send new students a link to the jury system prior to the jury date. Each student will be evaluated on the following areas: scales, etudes, and prepared solos.

Voice Jury

Jury evaluations will take place using the Mississippi State University Jury System: Students are required to create a user account, submit a repertoire record, and book a jury time. The area coordinator will send students a link to The Jury System at least four weeks prior to the jury date. At the jury, each student will be evaluated on memorization, technical proficiency, and interpretation.

Woodwind Jury

Juried examinations for the woodwind area will include the following components: scales, etude, solo repertoire, self-prepared repertoire, and sight-reading. The woodwind area will use the Jury System to create repertoire records and schedule jury times. Each student will create a user account where they will upload their repertoire records and book a jury time.