Student Organizations

Students who participate in these groups are responsible for attending to all responsibilities associated with membership. Music majors are advised that these organizations often require various degrees of scholastic achievement in order to remain on the active roster. Advisors are reminded that activities sponsored by the groups must be structured according to general departmental guidelines, especially in scheduling events and performance facilities, program preparation and publicity.

American Choral Directors Association

Advisor: Dr. Nicholaus Cummins

ACDA is open to any student interested in furthering their knowledge of choral music. The chapter is devoted to furthering the choral art on campus, as well as attending activities off campus that enhance each student's knowledge of choral music. All students are expected to become a member of the parent organization, the American Choral Directors Association, upon joining. There is a $35 fee, which includes monthly editions of the Choral Journal and numerous resources accessed through the national website, Any student interested in joining the organization should contact the Director of Choral Activities at 662-325-3490 or via email.

Collegiate National Association for Music Education (CNAFME)

Advisor: Dr. Craig Aarhus

CNAfME is open to all students who are interested in music education. A variety of events are sponsored throughout the year to inform students of issues facing music educators. Active involvement in this organization enables students to develop a professional network with music teachers throughout the region. Dues in the organization include a subscription to Music Educators Journal and Teaching Music and to MMEA Journal and membership in NAfME and MMEA. Any student interested in joining the organization should contact the Associate Director of Bands at 662-325-2713 or via email.

Kappa Kappa Psi

Advisor: Elva Kaye Lance

This honorary fraternity is committed to providing service to the Band program at Mississippi State. The organization consists of a number of MSU students with multiple academic disciplines and campus involvement, all united by their love and concern for the band program. Any students interested in joining should contact the Director of Bands at 662-325-2713, via email at or their webpage.

Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Collegiate Chapter

Advisor: Dr. Jenna Klein

The MTNA Collegiate Chapter helps acquaint students with professional opportunities and career options in the music field, while developing professional leadership and connection with other young professionals and active music teachers. Our collegiate chapter activities include outreach initiatives and concerts, fundraisers, national and regional music conference attendance and presentations, among other events. Through each activity we organize or participate in we seek to connect with other music students and professionals and broaden our knowledge of the music teaching and performing fields. Any student interested in joining the organization should contact Dr. Jenna Klein in the Department of Music office at 662-325-3070.

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia

Advisor: Dr. Phillip Stockton

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is the world's oldest and largest secret, national, fraternal society in music. Sinfonia was born on October 6, 1898, at the New England Conservatory in Boston. Currently, there are over 250 active chapters, over 7,000 current collegiate members and over 125,000 alumni worldwide. The opportunity of becoming a Sinfonian is offered to as many men as possible who, through a love for music, can assist in the fulfillment of the Fraternity’s Object and ideals. Sinfonia’s chief purpose is to develop Fraternity in music and promote music in America. Central to being a Sinfonian is that we seek to bring Harmony to mankind with a charitable spirit and the power of music. The Object of this Fraternity shall be for the development of the best and truest fraternal spirit; the mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students; the advancement of music in America and a loyalty to the Alma Mater.

The local Lambda Phi chapter is very active, with a busy schedule of service and social activities. The Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Chorus performs regularly in special programs both on and off campus. Those interested in joining the organization should contact the Associate Director of Choral Activities at 662-325-3490, or via email.

Sigma Alpha Iota

Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Swanson

The mission of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity is to encourage, nurture, and support the art of music. The vision of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity is to be recognized through-out the world as the foremost fraternity that supports and encourages women musicians of all ages. SAI promotes successful and innovative educational programs in music for all stages of life, and cultivates excellence in musical performance. In addition, the organization promotes programs that stress the love and importance of music in our lives. Sigma Alpha Iota’s members are people who exemplify professional behavior in the spirit of the Sigma Alpha Iota founders. Furthermore, members of Sigma Alpha Iota may receive scholarships, grants, and awards in many areas of music-related study. Any student interested in joining the organization may contact us at our social media platforms or

Special Interest Clubs:

Flute Studio

Advisor: Dr. Olivia Boatman

Percussion Club

Advisor: Dr. Jason Baker

Starkville-MSU Symphony Association

Advisor: Dr. Daniel Stevens

Starkville Strings School

Advisor: Dr. Serena Scibelli

TrebullDawgs a capella choir

Advisor: Dr. Nicholaus Cummins

Tuba and Euphonium Studio

Advisor: Hunter Farley